Friday, March 31, 2006

It Figures...

It figures; it really does... this guy who lives in my boyfriend's hallway and kind of knew me from high school was eating dinner with us last night. In the middle of a random conversation he decided to tell me that he had been talking with a good friend of his from our high school and she had been surprised to hear that I had a boyfriend... because she thought that I was a lesbian just beacause I hadn't seemed interested in boys. Fuck, I was interested enough in them but they weren't interested in me... I guess this just shows what I've always felt: my "peers" never understood me, nor did they want to.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Funny Story (Perhaps More Than One!)

In my History of the Middle Ages class yesterday, we were discussing women in the middle ages. When our professor got to how a woman's menses is considered unclean, sinful, and so on, he said, "during the month of her period... I mean time..." the woman is isolated. Yep... he slipped and said month. If that's not a Freudian slip, I don't know what is! Most of the girls in class caught it, too.

He then went on about how men didn't want to have to deal with that sort of thing and then asked, "How many guys here would go out and buy tampons for their girlfriend?" There was a bit of a pause while all of the girls in the class (maybe about 20) snickered, and then two of the ten guys present raised their hands...

Dr. Fortin then imparted a little story: As he was at his girlfriend's place last night the dog went through her purse, pulled out a tampon, and started chewing on it... xD

Ah... I love studying medieval history with Fortin.

Another Great Headline

Those who go to Millersville are aware that a hearing on "academic justice" (absolute nonsense, staged by republicans who were afraid that conservative students were being discriminated against by liberal professors) was recently at our University, spearheaded by Gib Armstrong, the republican representative in Lancaster (right near MU). This morning, I saw the following headline in today's local paper:

Armstrong accused of using staff, office for campaigning.

(This is illegal in Pennsylvania.)

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

It's Like a Little Ray of Sunshine...

Now that's my definition of justice!

Speaking of Churches...

Today I got a little care package from my old church youth group. I remember them doing similar things for the college students of GSPC, but in my case it feels sort of wierd because I was alienated 4 years or more ago, and left 3 years ago. I don't regret it either, and in their defense the youth leaders were nice enough... I just never felt like I fit with my peers and when I started thinking for myself, I didn't feel like I fit with Presbyterian doctrines either, especially in that particular church. Nevertheless, I will write a thank-you note...

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Housing Next Year

Diehm 311... well, it's better than nothing.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Why are People Threatened by Religion?

Love it.

Could it be Spring?

Shocking, I know...

But the sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and it's actually quite warm...

Plus, I got my registration number from my advisor and my schedule for this fall is looking good!

Overall, I'm in a pretty good mood (:

Sunday, March 26, 2006

The Last in Line

"We're off to the witch
We may never never never come home
But the magic that we'll feel is worth a lifetime..."

I suppose today is going all right so far. I'm just worried about getting a photographer for the musical... but be that as it may, I'm sure things will work out all right (:

Friday, March 24, 2006

In A Rather Bad Mood

Today started out all right, except for all the stress and rushing about... then it kind of just went downhill from there.

I spent my evening helping at and taking photos of the first fencing meet Millersville has hosted this year, and after about two hours of blithely photographing the bouts, I was informed by the stern referee that I wasn't supposed to be using flash and he could give me a black card (kick me out) unless I hadn't known that and I said no, of course I hadn't. And I went back and sat down and relayed this to Sam and then when Chris finished his match he came over and teased me and laughed and I asked why he didn't tell me ahead of time but he said he hadn't noticed and when he left I just put my head down and started crying... I felt so embarassed.

Another Link

But this one is funny :D



Now I am slightly more educated about what I've had for at least 7 years...


Thursday, March 23, 2006


I think O.o pretty much sums up my state of mind right now... still, not a bad thing...

Dream Poems

From the dream (a mixture of scenes and poetry) that I had last night, my own imagination, and other influences:

John and Carol
Were actors.
They went to an audition
Holding hands,
In the big city
And stood outside the doors.
After a while, the director
Appeared and gestured for John.
Carol waited for and hour
And a half
But no one came for her.
Then John opened the doors and said,
“I’m sorry, Carol. This just
Isn’t going to work.”
Carol went home crying.
John eventually fell in love
With a beautiful actress named Cassie
After Cassiopeia, a queen
Known for her great beauty.
They married two days after their
Third show together was a success.
No one knows what happened
To Carol, but perhaps she got a gig
Off-off Broadway, because of her
Large breasts and her
Enthusiastic personality.

Exercise: re-write the above poem to give it a happy ending in which everyone is satisfied.

John and Carol
Were actors.
They went to an audition
Holding hands,
In the big city
And stood outside the doors.
After a while, the director
Appeared and gestured for John.
Carol waited for and hour
And a half
But no one came for her.
Then John opened the doors and said,
“Carol, I got the part!”
Carol smiled and clapped, even
If she was a little jealous,
Because she loved John
And she knew he loved her.
Her friends asked,
“How can you be content?”
And Carol answered,
“I am happy for John.”
John eventually fell in love
With a beautiful actress named Cassie
After Cassiopeia, a queen
Known for her great beauty.
They started an affair two days after their
Third show together was a success.
Carol wondered, but did not admit
Why John was away so much,
Why the phone sometimes rang but
Someone hung up when she answered,
Why John had to keep his
Briefcase locked.
Carol said nothing, and continued to
Work at the diner where she was a
Waitress to support John,
And got good tips because of her
Large breasts and her
Enthusiastic personality.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

I'm Not Paranoid...

... I do have hyper-thyroid, however. I'll be seeing an endocrinologist over my two-day break... so much for catching up on work at college when I don't have classes.

Monday, March 20, 2006


"So what if you turn into a butterfly? Butterflies die too."


I fucking hate course scheduling.

Sunday, March 19, 2006


Back at college... I can hardly keep my eyes open so it's off to bed for me. Wish me good dreams...

Saturday, March 18, 2006

It's Saturday

(Just in case no one knew what day today is.)

Happy day-after-St. Patrick's-Day, I guess... the party last night was cancelled so I ended up going to the mall with my mom, which proved to be rather fruitless. Nevertheless, here is a four-leaf-clover I found last year:

Who knows what I'll be doing today with the rest of my day? Back to Millersville tomorrow...

Thursday, March 16, 2006

"No, there is too much... let me sum-up."

A cookie to the first person who guesses where the quote's from!

Monday: Packed for an overnight stay and then went to Allyssa's. Watched the first part of Mirrormask and went to bed.

Tuesday: Got up at an ungodly hour, rode to NJ and hopped on the 7:30 train to New York City. "Mind the Gap." Spent the day in NY walking around with Allyssa generally enjoying ourselves. Was told yet again I have cat-like mannerisms.

Wednesday: Jason visited. Showed him off... I mean introduced him to... the librarians and my mentor at the elementary school. Had dinner. Went to the library again to lead the evening bookclub, more or less enjoyed myself. Went to sleep and had some wierd nightmares.


Whoever said nightmares go away when you wake up was wrong.

Monday, March 13, 2006


To start with, I seem to be going through an overly emotional phase. First Brokeback Mountain, then the TV show my mom and I watched last night... heck, I haven’t felt like crying at something on a screen since that part of A.I. (which I thought was the end) where the boy sinks down into the ocean and sits there forever.

Then there’s the trying on spring clothes from last year, realizing that they’ve finally gotten too tight to get over my hips, trying on new pants and having to get a larger size, being nagged about what I eat and how I don’t exercise enough by my mom (who else?) as if that won’t make me eat more because yes, I eat food when I’m upset; so does everyone else...

Oh, and getting weighed at the doctor’s office today wasn’t terribly fun. Having to get some blood drawn so they can test for anemia and thyroid problems was much more fun. At least I’ll finally learn if I do have a problem with iron in my blood or my metabolism (which has betrayed me).

Sunday, March 12, 2006


Well, I am home now...

The cats were happy to see me =^-^=

My first night back was nothing special; I got plenty of sleep in my bed in my room with only Jasmine for company.

Yesterday afternoon my mom and I went to the mall briefly, went to a close cinema and saw 'Brokeback Mountain' (finally), went back to the mall and got two things I'd picked out, then finally got home and ate dinner. I enjoyed the movie, although it was sad...

And I really miss my college friends and especially my boyfriend but I'll live, as always.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Spring Break!

Well, I have to study and pack, say goodbye to Jason, then go to Chorale, lunch (and study some more while I eat) and then to Spanish to take a test... then back here to finish packing, tidy the last few things up, and leave :D

My week off will be so busy... but fun too, I think.

Thursday, March 09, 2006


"Star of my life, your face is looking to the stars; would that I were the heavens, looking at you with a thousand eyes."

Tuesday, March 07, 2006


I can't believe it's only Tuesday. I hate Tuesdays. And of course I have to make it harder for myself by going to lunch early and then attending another Bio seminar for a little more extra credit...

Taking over full duties at the Snapper and calling people is going all right, at least. I'll get around to the last few people this evening, as I'm sure no one will have anything for me right at 6.

Incidentally, I am 84.2% pure :)

Monday, March 06, 2006


(From Chris' Xanga)

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Carla!

  1. All of the roles in Shakespeare's plays - including the female roles - were originally played by Carla!
  2. If the annual Australian Carla crop was laid end to end, it would stretch around the world seven times!
  3. Lightning strikes Carla over seven times every hour!
  4. The pigment Indian Yellow was manufactured from the urine of cows fed only on Carla!
  5. Carla can jump up to sixteen times her own height.
  6. You would have to dig through four thousand kilometres of Carla to reach the earth's core.
  7. Carla was the first Tsar of Russia.
  8. The book of Esther in the Bible is the only book which does not mention Carla.
  9. Carla can not regurgitate.
  10. The Vikings believed that the Northern lights were caused by Carla as she rode out to collect warriors slain in battle!
I am interested in - do tell me about

Sunday, March 05, 2006


Rose: Pizza too... no cooking there
Me: oh well yeah, easy to make
Me: I meant on the stomach
Rose: yeah.... well, it wasn't pizza hut


Meh... being sick is no fun. I'm doing better today and getting back into eating food and all that... unfortunately, my idea of recovery includes finishing the essay that's due tomorrow and doing my Spanish homework.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Friday, March 03, 2006


"When you're drowning, you don't say 'I would be incredibly pleased if someone would have the foresight to notice me drowning and come and help me,' you just scream."

--John Lennon

Oh Shift...

The right shift key on my keyboard seems to be sticking a bit oddly. Hrm. Serves me right for eating around it too often? I forget how to take keys off to clean under them. At least it still works. Most of the time.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

I Am So Black Metal

Being Myself

...I take everything personally.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Bad Ads

I mean, really... *snickers*

Another bad one I remember seeing a long time ago was "Ex-Lax: For regular people... who sometimes aren't."


I think The Snapper is starting to weigh on me a little... or maybe just the sports editor... and it will get worse.

It's going to be a headache day. I can tell.