Sunday, April 30, 2006
So... Tired... Can't... Move...
Lay (yes, the passive voice) on my bed for a while, gave each other a nice massage, collapsed again, said "happy six months" and lay around for a little while longer before getting up to walk (quite protestingly) to the little store thing to get water and nibbles. Then we said goodnight and here I am, passing that sentiment along...
Goodnight :)
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Pure Gold!

Singing... and Reading...
Friday, April 28, 2006
Now I'm just about ready for bed...
Thursday, April 27, 2006
jason: be careful
me: what, do I have to step over some broken bodies?
jason: they're playing brittany spears out there
me: I'll take that as a yes
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Actual News Post
Speaking of today, it was the Day of Silence here at Millersville. I can't believe it, but this was the first year that they've done it here! I was proud to participate and didn't personally get any trouble... actually, some of my classmates made a point of saying something supportive to me.
Warning: Not an Actual News Post!
1. Rammstein
2. Porcupine Tree
3. Nightwish
4. Opeth*
5. Pink Floyd
6. The Libertines
7. Dio
8. Static-X
9. Marilyn Manson
10. Garbage
*note: Opeth has less songs, but they're longer!
-- what was the first song you ever heard by 6?
"Radio America"
-- what is your favourite album of 2?
"In Absentia"
-- what is your favourite lyric that 5 has sung?
"How I wish, how I wish you were here.
We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year,
Running over the same old ground.
What have we found? The same old fears.
Wish you were here."
-- how many times have you seen 4 live?
Two :D
-- what is your favourite song by 7?
"Last in Line"
-- what is a good memory you have considering the music of 10?
Playing some songs by them for my boyfriend.
-- is there a song of 3 that makes you sad?
-- what is your favourite lyric that 2 has sung?
"I won't shiver in the cold
I won't let the shadows take their toll
I won't cover my head in the dark
And I won't forget you when we part…"
-- what is your favourite song by 9?
"The Reflecting God"
-- how did you get in to 3?
Brandon’s just a little bit obsessed with them…
-- what was the first song you heard by 1?
"Du Hast"
-- what is your favourite song by 4?
Oh sure, make me choose one… Well ok… "To Bid You Farewell"…and "Demon of the Fall"
-- how many time have you seen 9 live?
-- what is a good memory you have concerning 2?
When I think about who introduced me to them, I just get sad.
-- is there a song of 8 that makes you sad?
-- what is your favourite album of 5?
"Wish You Were Here"
-- what is your favourite lyric that 4 has sung?
"Into the trees
Past meadow grounds
And further away from my home
Baying behind me
I hear the hounds
Flocks chasing to find me alone"
-- what is your favourite song of 1?
-- what is your favourite song of 10?
"#1 Crush"
-- how many times have you seen 8 live?
-- what is your favourite album of 1?
"Reise, Reise"
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Hah! Damned Spot, I Have You Now xD
Monday, April 24, 2006
Not Sure...
Sunday, April 23, 2006
--Semonides, 6th c. BC

Saturday, April 22, 2006
Yay for Sam!
Maybe Five Hours

Friday, April 21, 2006
"Quizá no pueda respirar más/Sin respirarte a ti..."
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Thoughts from Yesterday
I have Jason. I win.
Dr. Fortin got a little too excited about showing us a painting of hell, if you ask me...
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Who Knew?
A Sorceress creates magic the way a poet creates poems, with inborn talent honed by practice. They have no books, no mentors, no theories just raw power that they direct at will. Some Sorceress' claim that the blood of dragons courses through their veins. It may even be true-- it is common knowledge that certain powerful dragons can take humanoid form and even have humanoid lovers, and it's difficult to prove that a given a Sorceress does not have a dragon ancestor. A Sorceress often has striking good looks, usually with a touch of the exotic that hints at an unusual heritage. Still, the claim that a Sorceress is partially draconic is either an unsubstantiated boast on the part of a certain Sorceress or envious gossip on the part of those who lack the Sorceress's gift.
You are attuned to the elemental plane of water. You may find yourself often drawn to places where your given element can be found in abundance, such as lakes, rivers, oceans, or sometimes even swamps. As part of your powers, you may move through your element freely, being able to swim to the deepest depths, and breathe under the waves. Some mages of the plane of water have been known to build great fortresses under the waves. Ever heard of Atlantis? Yep, that was definitely built by a water mage. It is well within your powers, to cause a tsunami, a storm of ice shards, or to cause a person unprotected by magic to spontaneously drown.
Find out what kind of Wizard/Wizardess you are at
Monday, April 17, 2006
I Wish I Had a Camera...
This morning, walking back to my dorm, a white falcon swooped across the path and then perched comfortably on a large tree on the other side of the path. It just sat there as I stopped to look up at it. The sad thing is, no one else seemed to notice it.
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Tee ^_^*
Your Quirk Factor: 76% |
You're so quirky, it's hard for you to tell the difference between quirky and normal. No doubt about it, there's little about you that's "normal" or "average." |
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Manual Restart
Here are the lyrics I mentioned writing for a friend of mine. They don't scare me anymore...
I'll find a button to push
A vein to break
Manual restart
I'm so tired of this world
There's nothing I can do
Except turn myself off
And restart.
I'll find a cord to pull
A cord to hang
Manual restart...
I'm so tired of this world
There's nothing I can do
Except turn myself off
And restart.
I'll find a fuse to blow
Blow through my head
Manual restart...
I'm so tired of this world
There's nothing I can do
Except turn myself off
And restart.
I'm so tired of this world
So I turn myself off
And restart.
My Jason is sick, the poor dear :( We're going to the Health Center, therefore, and then I at least will eat breakfast. Then it will be laundry time and caring for Jason.
Friday, April 14, 2006
Catch More With Honey...?
Hey, I would totally go for it ;)
I know, I know, I haven't written anything that's news or my own writing lately. Sorry! I'm just so tired... I just took my evening beta-blocker, so now I'm going to get to bed before that knocks me out. Today I've started feeling a few side effects from the meds but nothing too bad. We'll see.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Tom Cruise Not Crazy!
On Brangelina's impending (and competing) arrival: "Playdates! I've gotta give him a ring. I'm really happy for them. I am really happy for them. He's a good guy, Brad." (Said the still in-utero Jolie-Pitt offspring of the playdate invitation, "Thanks, but no thanks.")
On explaining the history of psychiatry to Matt Lauer: "I thought I was pretty restrained. I've been pissed off about things, believe me. I thought it was a terrific interview. I wasn't pissed; I just was intense on wanting to communicate."
On Katie's cravings: "She loves cupcakes, okay? I mean, the girl loves cupcakes."
On his hands-on approach to detox: "I have to say, I've always found the 'if it makes me feel better, it's okay' rationale a little suspect. I think it's appalling that people have to live a life of drug addiction when I have personally helped people get off drugs." Cruise claims he can get a person off heroin in three days.
On whether he told ex-wife Nicole Kidman, with whom he has two children, about the pregnancy: "It's not like anything I had to or didn't have to do. I wish her well."
On Katie's at-home pregnancy test: "Yeah, she did the whole stick test; I think she just touched the box and they all turned blue."
On commitment: "I'm the relationship guy. I'm not the dating, partying guy. It's not me, you know what I mean? I'm too serious. And I'm too intense. It means something to me."
On questions about the galactic overlord Xenu, a central figure in his religion: "You say this stuff to me and it's insulting. That's why I'm not even going to dignify what you're saying. There's always a lot of misinformation out there. I'm doing pretty good. Look at the things that have helped me in my life. You hear this other stuff -- come on, it's crap!"
Me in 30 Years?
Benjamin: I know, it's kinda cute
Benjamin: I imagine you with a furrowed brow looking over half-rimmed glasses, wearing a cardigan, working in a library in later life :P but that's besides the point
Drugs and Other Fun Things (Not)
I'm not used to taking drugs regularly, especially ones that can have side effects... but I think I'll be ok (:
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Under Construction!
I still have a little work to do on my template but I have the html figured out, I think. Pardon the appearance until, say, Thursday.
Tomorrow morning I get up at 5:30 and come up to the computer to get all ready for class registration. Then a doctor's appointment at noon, and then back to Millersville.
Monday, April 10, 2006
Opeth Again...
Your Life: The Soundtrack | |
Opening credits: | Opeth- Prologue |
Waking up: | Opeth- Dirge for November |
Average day: | Opeth- Benighted |
First date: | Opeth- Deliverance |
Falling in love: | Opeth- In My Time of Need |
Love scene: | Opeth- Closure |
Fight scene: | Opeth- Ghost of Perdition |
Breaking up: | Opeth- Isolation Years |
Getting back together: | Opeth- Face of Melinda |
Secret love: | Opeth- Black Rose Immortal |
Life's okay: | Opeth- Atonement |
Mental breakdown: | Opeth- Blackwater Park |
Driving: | Opeth- Baying of the Hounds |
Learning a lesson: | Opeth- To Rid the Disease |
Deep thought: | Opeth- Wreath |
Flashback: | Opeth- Moonlapse Vertigo |
Partying: | Opeth- Demon of the Fall |
Happy dance: | Opeth- The Grand Conjuration |
Regreting: | Opeth- To Bid You Farewell |
Long night alone: | Opeth- White Cluster |
Death scene: | Opeth- Funeral Portrait |
Closing credits: | Opeth- Epilogue |
Take this survey | Find more surveys You've been totally Bzoink*d |
- Glass castle:: Rocks
- Preserved:: Glass
- Jealousy:: Hide
- Territory:: Mine
- Coffee:: Milk
- Stephen:: Beautiful
- Slut:: Heels
- Dynamic:: Markings
- Daybreak:: Mist
- Dew:: Wash
Go Me...
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Saturday, April 08, 2006
All in All...
I got my friend to help me with my new blog skin (just in case you hadn't notcied), pretty sparklies at the mall, and had a very nice dinner. The best part? All of that time was spent with Jason (:
Now I really will go to bed.
Things on my Mind
2. To someone else: If I ever see you on campus again, I will smile. I hope you will realize how much it costs me to do that and I hope you will appreciate it.
3. To 1, 026 people: Fuck you.
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Reflections and Plottings
Hopefully this weekend I'll be putting up a new blog layout once my friend Sam helps me edit the last few html details, which is why I haven't bothered to put some links back up again. I'll also hopefully be going to the mall to get some pretty sparkly jewelry to go with my lovely new frormal black dress for the Chorale recital on April 30th. Yay!
I took some photos of my dreamcatcher, which just got in yesterday, hanging in my room. Here are two good images:

Also, I think I'm beginning to develop some ideas for birthday gifts for my boyfriend (:
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Monday, April 03, 2006
The Movie Of Your Life Is A Black Comedy |
In your life, things are so twisted that you just have to laugh. You may end up insane, but you'll have fun on the way to the asylum. Your best movie matches: Being John Malkovich, The Royal Tenenbaums, American Psycho |
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Which goes on disturbing my peace.
There shines a torch in my soul:
If it is not love, it will soon be love."
Stupid Time Change
Once I finally figured out what time it really was, I just gave up and got a nice long shower instead.