Sunday, September 30, 2007

One More Week...

I miss my kitties so much!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

More Birdies!

Apparently, there's just a whole huge flock of goldfinches that like to hang around campus :)

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

And now for something completely different.

You get bonus geeky English major points if you catch the reference to a certain other poem ;)


The price of pots in Athens!
It really made me burn
when the potter told me just how much
I owed on a Grecian urn.


Bloody Hand

by Cieran Carson, 1989

Your man, says the Man, will walk into the bar like this — here his
Mimic a pair of legs, one stiff at the knee — so you'll know exactly
What to do. He sticks a finger to his head. Pretend its child's
play —
The hand might be a horse's mouth, a rabbit or a dog. Five
Walls have ears: the shadows you throw are the shadows you
try to throw off.

I snuffed out the candle between finger and thumb. Was it the
left hand
Hacked off at the wrist and thrown to the shores of Ulster?
Did Ulster
Exist? Or the Right Hand of God, saying Stop to this and No
to that?
My thumb is the hammer of a gun. The thumb goes up. The
thumb goes down.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Tempus Fugit

Man, I haven't written here in forever...

What can I say? The Snapper has stolen my soul once again.

Friday, September 07, 2007

Nature II

On my way to dinner, I saw a little baby birdie sitting in a shrubbery! I took a lot of pictures.

...and then I saw a bunny.

Monday, September 03, 2007


Closet 2.0

My mother kindly dropped off the shelving I used last year to store food, dishes, etc, and I finally got it set up! I feel so much more organized now.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Power Up

Hmm, well, I guess it is about time for me to post something meaningful here, but with classes and work all week and the Snapper starting up again, life's been busy!

So instead, here are parts of Professor McVay's commentary on her Intro to Lit class (which I am helping out with in sort of a TA capacity).

"So, I'm introducing you to literature. Literature, this is my students; students, this is literature."

"How many of you have had a literature class that just really sucked?"
[some students raise their hands]
"Well, in this class, I am going to take the suck out of literature. There will be no suck in this class!"

"We're not going to be delving deep into the deep hidden meanings of the text until we find some small gem so then we can, you know, power up and move to the next level..."