Saturday, July 26, 2008
I Am So Artistic
Actually, it's because every time I start to clean my room, I turn up the beginnings of some project I once had in mind, and then I decide to settle down and do it. So, back in December I'd made one pretty cloth flower and found a good button for it, but had nothing to sew it on-- and into my little tub of scrap fabric and needles and thread it went.
Likewise, I was pretty sure I had some jeans fabric lying around, and remembering the cute purses I've seen made out of old jeans, I reflected that I might try making one, myself.
I discovered two back pockets in my little container, pleased that my vague recollections proved accurate. I had two matching buttons, so I made another flower and, well... one thing led to another!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
The Bistro
Through blank windows I see
Painter's tape.
Tired air.
My day is at an end;
evening sets in, thickly.
Also inside:
a lone woman,
working late but
still for a moment,
on the potential of a dream.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
A Random Pickup Line
"Baby, you must be Hamlet, 'cause you look as tasty as a Danish."
"Summertime, when the living is easy..."
Friday, July 11, 2008
My Neighbors
They sat out on the patio together, a rare early morning sight. They sat in silence, hunched over their plates with characteristic single-minded concentration, chewing with dull satisfaction. They exchanged condiments more than words, and yet there was a bond between them, all the same. An aging couple, enjoying a rare cool summer morning together. Their son, perhaps five years my senior, still lives at home; his father works an overnight shift for a shipping company and the mother’s at the mercy of Walmart’s exploitative hours. Their drive to make money seemed matched only by the size of their cars, not to mention their mission to deforest their yard and disfigure the landscape. And yet, this moment of tenderness, in a morning that was unusually still… almost poetic.
Then the man lifted the bag that had held their breakfast, and the glaring red and yellow McDonald’s logo shattered the moment.