Thursday, December 28, 2006
Coconuts xD
Friday, December 22, 2006
Final Grades Are In!!!
Subject | Course | Section | Course Title | | Final Grade | ||||||
ENGL | 239H | 01 | Hnrs:Westrn Literary Traditn 2 | A | |||||||
ENGL | 402 | 01 | Middle Eng Lang and Literature | A | |||||||
ENGL | 415 | 01 | Sem:Joyce and Woolf | A | |||||||
FREN | 101 | 0 | Elementary French 1 | A | |||||||
HIST | 106 | 02 | Contours of US History | A | |||||||
MATH | 155H | 01 | Hnrs:Applied Calculus 1 | B |
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Back Home
I love my nice new mattress though :D
It turns out that my dad's coming home for Christmas after all, so on Tuesday night we'll pick him up at the airport... I was actually feeling kind of down that he wasn't going to be able to make it out here, so I am surprised and glad that he will be after all :)
Not much more in the way of news; I brought a lovely digital camera back with me from the Snapper (Nikon D70, baby!) so I will try to put some photos up. I've been catching up on my reading, and am already roughly halfway through The Poisonwood Bible. Cheers!
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
My Awesome Ballad
"Dark days are falling on Britain!"
Her people cried aloud.
The Saxon scourge spread o'er the land,
A darkly growing cloud.
The Saxons marched on Badon Hill,
And threatened the fortress there.
King Arthur swore to punish them,
And warned them to beware.
He gathered his host of noble men,
Brave knights so strong and true;
They readied horses, took up swords
And cheered as pennants flew.
The knights rode out with God's blessing
Their ladies waved farewell.
They trusted in Arthur their lord
To fight the Saxon rebel.
In the shadow of Mount Badon
The British army camped.
The horses caught their riders' moods,
And impatiently they stamped.
Arthur stood and gave a speech:
"The Saxons broke my peace,
And God shall surely aid our cause.
Their power will decrease.
Victorious we will be this day,
We have a greater troop.
The Saxons will before us fall
Upon them we will swoop."
He raised Excalibur up high;
The battle cries began.
The ranks of Saxons waited there
Across the valley's span.
The pagans were a fearsome sight
All clad in gilded mail;
The spears were glinting in the sun;
They thought they could not fail.
King Arthur and his bold knights charged,
Their noble horses reared.
The Dragon banner proudly waved.
The King's great host was feared.
The two great armies shortly met,
With a violent clash of swords.
Of all the knights who fought that day,
None were ever cowards.
The Britons won at Mount Badon,
In glory they were shod.
The tale of Arthur's victory
Will echo in our blood.
And though this happened long ago,
The legend still lives on;
Of knights who fought and won the day
For glory and Mount Badon.
Monday, November 27, 2006
Now I'm Hungry.
You Are Strawberry Ice Cream |
A bit shy and sensitive, you are sweet to the core. You often find yourself on the outside looking in. Insightful and pensive, you really understand how the world works. You are most compatible with chocolate chip ice cream. |
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Pessimism at its Best
My Middle English professor still hasn't changed my grade, although we discussed in her office--two weeks ago--the works cited page that I had brought in so she could change my grade from a 0, which I then emailed to her, with my name on the document as well as in the text of the email. When I talked with her this past Tuesday it didn't sound like she had changed her mind about giving me a second chance on my grade, but I really can't tell with her. I think she forgot that she was going to do it, and forgot that unlike some of the other people in the class I had actually come to see her about it, etc. and that she had offered to give me specifically a re-grade (because I at least actually had a decent paper), and I can't ask her about it again because I've used up the one oblique angle I had ("did you get the email? I wasn't sure if it sent properly...") and she'd probably get annoyed if I started pestering her about it (especially if she doesn't remember saying she would). To the class in general, since a lot did badly or didn't even follow the guidelines (which I did... except for thinking that when one has footnotes, one does not need a works cited page), she'd offered to let them choose to have their second paper be the grade for both papers. That's due on the 5th for Middle English, and I'd really like at least some feedback on the first paper before I hand in the second one... and if she hasn't changed my grade by next week, I'm going to have to gamble and accept the offer to have the second paper carry the weight of two. And that'll be 200 points.
I'm almost afraid to get my Calc portfolio back... I have no idea how I did but it was really difficult and I'm not sure if I understood and did some things correctly.
Lots of other deadlines coming up as well. The last day of finals is Dec. 16th and after that, the semester is over...
Sunday, November 12, 2006

(Ok, so the flowers in the photo were from Jason for our anniversary... I just didn't get them up in time. Still pretty, no?)
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Giving up on News Posts for a While...
Whether hade he no helme ne hawbergh nauther,
Ne no pysan, ne no plate that pended to armes,
Ne no shafte ne no schelde, to schwue ne to smyte,
Bot in his on honed he hade a holyn bobbe.
That is grattest in grene, when greuez are bare,
And an ax in his other, a hoge and vn-mete,
A spetos sparthe to expoun in spelle quo-so my3t.
(darn. the 'ash' doesn't translate to the blog.)
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Happy Halloween!

Friday, October 27, 2006
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Here, There, and Back Again
In other news, I took the "ultimate purity test" again and my score has fallen slightly to 81%. Go me?
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Sunday, October 08, 2006

At last! The concert last night was awesome (once we got there). I'm too tired to write more about it... all my energy, alas, must go towards working on that paper that's due Tuesday.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Monday, October 02, 2006
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Helter Skelter
In other news, here's an itty-bitty book from the archives:
Monday, September 25, 2006
It's Almost as Good as Answering the Question of Schrodinger's Cat...
reka tsvetok: the stupid school store charged me $3 for three postcards instead of 3 for $1
reka tsvetok: I don't feel like going all the way back there
cmedalis: :(
reka tsvetok: apparently two dollars is the price of laziness
cmedalis: haha well that answers that age-old question
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Sunday, September 17, 2006
So Much To Think About...
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Mrs. Dalloway
Friday, September 08, 2006
It's going to get very boring here for a while :P
More Firefly tonight! Yay!
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
That night the RA knocked on our door (waking me up) to take a look and explained that previously the janitors had sprayed all of the mold (before we moved in, I would assume) and killed it, but hadn't actually wiped it off the surface. We were welcome, she said, to get some disinfectant wipes and remove the residue ourselves. I was not very awake, so I didn't argue.
Now, she's a bio major, and I suspect that this was complete bullshit. For one, just because it's black doesn't mean it's dead. Our house can get pretty damp during the humid summers, and I've seen plenty of black mildew that is not at all "dead white mold." Secondly, whether or not any spores left behind are dead, it is entirely possible for them to start growing again. Basically, the University doesn't have enough staff-- or enough funding-- to check every A/C unit again and clean it, plus, they don't want to be open to lawsuits, so they're covering their asses and getting us to do the work for them. And obviously I will be doing that this weekend with my roommate, because neither of us want it near us longer than it has to be.
And for those of you who aren't familiar with Millersville, our dorm windows are bolted shut. No fresh air for our rooms...
I'd probably be more pissed about this if I weren't so incredibly busy >.<
(In other news, I got the library job I applied for at the end of last year and my first day was yesterday! It seems pretty cool so far, although with the potential to be monotonous, just like most jobs.)
Monday, September 04, 2006
Friday, September 01, 2006
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Second Day
Well, I can read ch. 2 of Contours of American History with the rest of my brief break. That at least won't be stressful.
Monday, August 28, 2006
Back Again!
I made it through my first day and met with my photo assistant to tell her about some of my plans-- I forgot to ask if she had any suggestions but there'll be enough time for that later.
Now before dinner I just have to do some of my back exercises, finish unpacking my office supplies, organize my desk and closet, and take a nap. Probably the nap will come before unpacking...
Sunday, August 20, 2006
6 Days...
Uhm, lots of working. Three more days of 1-7 shifts to go, and then, oh my, time to get busy before I leave on SUNDAY :O
Monday, August 14, 2006
Almost There...
It's exciting, yet stressful at the same time... I think I'll feel better when all my stuff's safely in my dorm room and I have a few important things like my bedding, computer, and books unpacked and set up. Until then... watch out! (Not that you'll be hearing too much from me until then.)
Send an email my way to get my new address and phone :)
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Saturday, August 05, 2006
--Heather, one of my co-workers
That basically sums up these past two days. Ozzfest was amazing; I survived the whole day and thanks to staying indoors until around 2pm and my paranoid re-applications of sunblock (it helped that Jason was there to put some on my back) I didn't get sunburnt, the "concert life" was highly entertaining, the bands we were there to see rocked (especially Black Label Society, Disturbed, System of a Down, and of course Ozzy-- although we only stayed for his first song), and I definitely rocked out to Avenged Sevenfold's cover of "Walk" (Pantera). I'll come up with some more specific incidental stories later when I'm not so tired... or you can just ask to hear some ;)
The wedding of a family friend was quite enjoyable; the ceremony was short and not too preachy and the reception was very nice-- warm and friendly, not too formal, with a jazz band and dancing during the cake. Also-- oddly enough-- we ended up sitting with another piano teacher who knew the mother of the bride whose husband is the new band director at Millersville O.o ...naturally, I asked if he'd be interested in setting up an interview with us in the fall. How cool is that?
And now, time to catch up on sleep...
(but I'll miss waking up next to you)
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Brief Update
Yes, we have another heat wave here, and I've been working (outside, during the peak hours of the day) all week. Fortunately the heat is supposed to break tonight.
Tonight when I get back from work, Jason will be picking me up, and tomorrow is Ozzfest! I'm so psyched :D
(Still have to pack an overnight bag, though...)
Sunday, July 30, 2006
*mood continues to go downhill*
My blog was feeling ignored so here's a poem.
Here I can sit quietly:
Four walls, brown,
And some tape still holding on
(Tightly, so it won’t fall)
Look back at me.
No one sees me, here
Except for the cat, passing by
(She always looks inside everything)
So I can hide, by myself,
In these mysterious depths.
When I close my eyes,
This space becomes my own
And I'm exploring a dark cave:
Water drips, and unseen creatures move,
(But I am not afraid.)
Then I hear a voice calling me.
I open my eyes:
There are only four close walls,
A brittle piece of tape,
And I'm just sitting in a box.
If you don't get the obvious symbolism of the tape, sit and think for a moment; it might come to you.
Monday, July 24, 2006
Just Another Perfect Day...
Once I get back from PT today and have some lunch, I have two days off from work, so I think I will sit at my computer and write when I'm not doing things around the house. That's one of my favorite kinds of days :)
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Yay, Vikings!
KaðlÃn Seabear
(Well, actually, that wouldn't really be your name -- since you're female, your name would be something like "KaðlÃn Björnsdottir". But this is the twenty-first century, and you want to be known for who you are, not for who your father was, right? Right.)
My Viking Personality: You're a fearsome Viking, but you aren't completely uncivilized. The other Vikings make fun of you for that. You have a thirst for battle -- unfortunately, you're not terribly good at it. You probably know which end of a sword to hold, but you're not a fearsome fighter by any stretch of the imagination.
If you ever tried to make a voyage in a Viking longboat, you would die. Either from seasickness, or from your shipmates throwing you overboard into shark-infested waters. You possess some skills which other Vikings respect.
You have a fairly pragmatic attitude towards life, and tend not to expend effort in areas where it would be wasted. You sometimes come off as a bit of a snob. Vikings are not snobbish people -- they either like you, or they kill you. Try to be more like a Viking.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
I'm roughly 45 minutes away from Philadelphia, PA, by the way, so yes, the temperature given for that region is about the same for where I am.
For my international friends: Temperature conversion
Also, see: Weather Map of the US
(everthing in red is a link)
Monday, July 17, 2006
Saturday, July 15, 2006
More Ineffability
Maybe I'll just go get a professional back massage at a spa sometime when my 4-6 weeks of therapy is over.
In other news, for some reason yesterday I felt oddly sad pretty much the whole day, whenever I had a few moments to myself. I kind of feel like that today, but I'm not sure why.
I start work at 3 instead of 2, so I'm going to go for a nice swim before getting back home to pack my dinner (and lots of water). Maybe that will help.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Past Things
Peace. Perhaps I should dedicate this poem, one last time: to myself.
To a Shade
William Butler Yeats
Go, unquiet wanderer,
And gather the Glasnevin coverlet
About your head till the dust stops your ear,
The time for you to taste of that Salt breath
And listen at the corners has not come;
You had enough of sorrow before death --
Away, away! You are safer in the tomb.
Monday, July 10, 2006
--Albert Einstein
Well, after a busy and tiring week and closing shift on Saturday (which went 40 minutes late, I might add), I had yesterday to relax a little and enjoyed a nice day out with Jason. Now, however, it's back to work... closing shift every day this week (including Sat. again) except for Wednesday, which is my day off. Stupid one day weekend :/
However, it's good that I'm getting plenty of hours to work and, who knows, maybe the better I get at closing the faster it will go. I think it does depend in part on who I'm working with... and the weather (if it's nice, people are in the store right up until 6)... and the day, because on Saturday the huge amount of tomatoes and fresh basil have to be packed up and taken with us, while during the week they're just left out. So we'll see.
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Today is a good friend's graduation party, so I am finishing up two scrapbook pages that I made to add to the scrapbook his sister is making for him, and then I will wrap the book we are giving him and then I must figure out what I want to write in his card. I want it to be something original, at least. The few phrases that had occured to me earlier are, of course, long gone, so I will just have to go with what comes to mind when I sit down. Sometimes that's best anyway.
Thursday, June 29, 2006
In other news, my ticket on Elfwood went through, so those interested may find two more chapters for Night here.
My friend Russell's older sister, who I work with, is making a scrapbook for his graduation party, and she gave me two pages to fill, and some colored cardstock. I've spent some time looking through pictures that we have here, although I'm not done yet, and then I have to get some nice glue and color copies of the photos before I can really get started. I also printed some coloring-book-pages of dinosaurs and colored them in last night, for decorations (we loved dinosaurs when we were little.) I may have to ask Em for some more pictures, but I think it'll look nice by the time I'm done (preferably before Sunday, because that's when she's giving it to him... haha).
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
What Now?
Monday, June 26, 2006
Lots of Rain
That has pretty much set the tone for the day, and I think that I will read when I have the chance, eat lunch, and then practice parallel parking and go shopping for a new bathing suit with my mom, if we actually manage to get out of the house, that is.
Friday, June 23, 2006
Swinging the Dead
An article in the local paper, June 12th:
North Wales Library may lose lease
By: Mark D. Marrotta, Staff Writer
On June 22, the North Penn School Board will decide what to do about the lease under which the library occupies space at North Wales Elementary School.D. Michael Frist, the North Penn School District's director of business administration, said the board will vote on a motion on whether to give the library notice that its lease will terminate as of February 2007, with month-to-month extensions through the following December.Speaking Thursday, John Strobel, the school district's manager of support services, said the library would have to vacate its space for renovations planned for the school. The work at North Wales is part of renovations planned at various schools over the next five years, he added.Strobel explained that the work at North Wales will include a general updating of the building, mechanical upgrades and removal of modular classrooms.Strobel said the library occupies about 3,500 square feet. It would be possible to fit three classrooms there, he added."We're not anxious to move out," library co-director Jayne Blackledge said.The library has been in the school building since 1927, and has had a lease with the district since 1964, she added.Blackledge said the library has a 10-year lease, at $1 per year. She added that she believed eight years remain on the current lease term."We do have a couple of ideas" as far as alternative locations for the library, said its board president, Cathy Knee.But, she added, any options will require a considerable amount of money."We can't do much without it," Knee said.She added that the Friends of the Library organization will try to do some fundraising.
An email from Mrs. Blackledge, the co-director, June 19th:
Hi Readers,
There will be a meeting at the ESC on Hancock andChurch Rds. in Lansdale on Thursday, June 22 beginningat 7:30 p.m. Please consider showing your support of the N. WalesLibrary by attending!
We appreciate your caring.
The Library Board of Directors
Another article in the local paper, today:
NP board votes to not renew library’s lease
By: Mark D. Marrotta, Staff Writer
By a 6-2 vote Thursday‚ the school board voted to notify the library that its lease will terminate at the end of its current term‚ on Feb. 28‚ 2007. The motion‚ made by board member Frank O’Donnell and seconded by John Schilling‚ also provided that the district will be willing to continue the lease on a month-by-month basis through Dec. 31‚ 2007. The dissenting votes were cast by Vice President Timothy Kerr and board member Rick Miniscalco. The library has occupied space at the school since 1927. Administrators said the library would need to move for planned renovations that would include removing modular classrooms. The 3‚500 square feet occupied by the library could provide space for about three classrooms. During the public comment period before the motion was made‚ Cathy Knee‚ president of the library board‚ asked for the vote to be postponed. She said the library’s future had not been addressed. Kerr asked whether the support services committee‚ which had previously discussed the lease termination‚ had discussed the issue with members of the public. “It’s been an ongoing discussion‚” replied board member John Schilling‚ who chairs the committee. He added that the district will need to give the library ample notice of the lease termination. “We want to be fair‚” Schilling said. “I don’t think it’s important to pass this tonight‚” Miniscalco said. But Schilling responded that the district will still be in a situation in which the library will have to vacate the school. According to him‚ there is no option but for the library to find another location. Director of Business Administration D. Michael Frist said John Strobel‚ manager of support services‚ had talked to North Wales‘ borough manager about the possibility of having the library use space in borough hall. Board member Joseph Walsh asked what the notice requirements were under the lease. Solicitor Jack Dooley responded that the lease‚ originally entered in 1964‚ was for a 20-year term. At the expiration of that period‚ it was renewed for 10 years‚ and has been extended on a year-to-year basis since then. Dooley said the lease requires 60 days‘ notice of termination. He added that the notice will not have to be given until the end this year. However‚ Linda McAdoo‚ a former library board president‚ said an Oct. 23‚ 2003‚ letter from D. Michael Frist said the board had approved the lease would continue through 2014. O’Dooley responded that that was not the way the lease was written. A motion by Miniscalco to table the vote failed by a 4-4 vote.
The school board has done some crappy things in the past, but this is the worse. Ongoing, my ass! They slipped this vote by, specifically before the meeting in which people might actually voice dissent. Furthermore, I would like to add that they are all slimy corrupt conservative pricks, although maybe I'll settle with just "conservative pricks" concerning the two who at least had some balls and voted against the lease termination.
Other than that my day at work was just fine, although hot as hell. The sky was threatening, so of course I didn't go swimming with my last vestife of energy, and now soon it will be dinner time and then I will just collapse somewhere. Oh well... my old suit is slowly starting to disintegrate anyway, and I need to go shopping for a new one soon.
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Dazed and Confused
Finish the quote, and I might just reward you with something sweet ;)
So, to sum-up...
Work: Three early shifts and one closing shift this week (not done yet)... tiring.
Writing: Spent a day immersed in self, producing two new chapters, html-ing new writings, and submitting to Elfwood... tiring.
Walking: To the library and to the pool... tiring.
Weather: Hot, humid, and oppressive... tiring.
Monday, June 19, 2006
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Busy Busy Busy...
Work is strangely enjoyable. My first 6-hour shift was yesterday, and although I was pretty tired when I got home, due to being on my feet and occupied the whole time, it felt good. I always had something to do, which meant that I was on my feet the whole time, but that's to be expected. I did mostly bagging, which I got quite good at, and some restocking and setting up more samples. People-watching also kept me amused and occupied. In addition, I got to eat most of a cranberry walnut scone that had broken and therefore wasn't saleable, as well as a broken peanut butter cookie, which supplemented my packed lunch nicely. I have a fairly light schedule next week, though-- tuesday, friday, and saturday only, and all of those shifts roughly around 6 hours. I was kind of hoping for more of a steady work schedule... maybe next week, after I've really proven myself? *sigh*
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
*Spooky Hands*
These past few days, working mostly in my room, reading, not going out much, and concentrating on just these things has been kind of a holiday for me. (It ends tomorrow, with my morning dentist appointment and one-day, last minute dog-sitting for nearby family friends.) There are times when I just feel like drawing into myself, taking stock and, in a sense, going into a waking-meditative state. It felt right to do so mostly while in my room, which is, after all, my sanctuary... but alas, soon I must return to life.
Number of the Beast
Monday, June 05, 2006
Sister Awake
Happy 6.6.06 tomorrow, to my fellow metalheads and people who just think it's kind of a cool alignment that only happens once a millenium of numbers that, coincidentally, is the bane of the Christian church... I'm planning on spending the day working some more on my room, listening to "Number of the Beast" and then either some more Iron Maiden or some Metallica... or whatever strikes my fancy, really. If I had "Sympathy for the Devil," I'd listen to that too.
Oh, and for the thrash-metal inclined... happy National Day of Slayer.
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Everything I've Got
Strangely enough I didn't get terribly nostalgic skimming all the cards, except when I found a few from my uncle Mark, who died when I was young, and one old birthday card with a p.s.-- "congratulations on your sibling-to-be!"
Anyway. Later I am going to finish weeding the back lot, and then I'll either stop for the day or get another trash bag and work some more on clearing the white shelf. Keeping myself busy will be good preparation for when I start work on Thursday (after my dentist appointment on Wednesday... ech.) Either way, it will have been a productive day.
Saturday, June 03, 2006
And In Other News...
- Permit acquired
- Driving practiced, skills dusted off
- The Mists of Avalon and The Devil Wears Prada finished
- Ennui and loneliness barely staved off
I'm just so tired... and blogger takes a while to load on this computer... otherwise I might actually write things.
The Unquiet Grave
Cold blows the wind to my true love,
And gently drops the rain.
I've never had but one true love,
And in green-wood he lies slain.
I'll do as much for my true love,
As any young girl may,
I'll sit and mourn all on his grave,
For twelve months and a day.
And when twelve months and a day was passed,
The ghost did rise and speak,
"Why sittest thou all on my grave
And will not let me sleep?"
"Go fetch me water from the desert,
And blood from out the stone,
Go fetch me milk from a fair maid's breast
That young man never has known."
"My breast is cold as clay,
My breath is earthly strong,
And if you kiss my cold clay lips,
Your days they won't be long."
"How oft on yonder grave, sweetheart,
Where we were wont to walk,
The fairest flower that e'er I saw
Has withered to a stalk."
"When will we meet again, sweetheart,
When will we meet again?"
"When the autumn leaves that fall from the trees
Are green and spring up again."
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
But for now, I am content.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
No Rain
After seeing Jason off yesterday I had some lunch, worked a bit more on the puzzle, and then decided that I was feeling a little worse, so I crashed and ended up taking a two-hour nap, woken up only by family friends calling to invite my mom and I to a little Memorial Day get-together in an hour or so. By the time she got back from the store I was feeling up to it, so we went, and dinner tonight will be the holiday dinner we planned...
Also, I got a lead on a job working at this little organic farmstand thing about 20 minutes away, because the daughter of our family friends helps out there and she talked with one of the guys who runs it and gave me his number. I left a message, so I'm kind of waiting for a call tonight or maybe not until tomorrow, and then I'll ask about hours, pay, and if the particular job I wanted is still open (bagging, because unlike stocking I wouldn't have to lift up to 40lbs). It's better than nothing, anyway.
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Now, I think I shall head downstairs and check on the pizza dough...
Friday, May 26, 2006
I've taken up this short story that I started sometime last year in the meantime, hoping that writing will distract me. I shall put it up on here soon, and when I get my computer up and running, I shall work on my Night story some more and, if I'm feeling really enterprising, I might even dust off Silent Earth. I've been thinking about some plotline things recently and would like to see if I can resurrect it. Long stories are just harder for me... what can I say? Science fiction isn't even my original genre... but I do feel good about working on it :)
In other news, no word on the job front. Reading my life away continues nicely. Movie and dinner with Jason and family on Sunday, and then I get to bring him back with me!
Monday, May 22, 2006
Strip the Soul
Welcome to the Jungle
Saturday, May 20, 2006
I Think I'm On The Metaphorical Upswing
To learn one of my deep dark secrets higlight the rest of this post.
"Haha, you fool! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders! The first... is never get involved in a land war in Asia. But only slightly less well known is never go in against a Sicilian when DEATH is on the line!!!"
Friday, May 19, 2006
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
A Quote
And I start to complain that there's no rain
And all I can do is read a book to stay awake
And it rips my life away, but it's a great escape..."
In other news, I forgot what I was going to write yesterday. What a tradgedy. Something from my fine mind, lost forever in the fog of distraction. Well. You can't say I didn't warn you.
Glad to be back with the cats; not so glad about the resumed maternal bickering.
Uh. Bookclub tonight if I can get up there. North Wales day on Saturday. Birthday observance on Sunday, and probably some more bickering in the midst of the time that remains until then.
Friday, May 12, 2006
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Today will be spent packing, possibly even tidying up my room, and of course time with friends and Jason. Isn't that something? I love being absolutely done with Uni for the year!
I hope my grades are ok, though.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
I'm still going reasonably strongly on my paper, but also slowly going crazy...
Things I like about home, part 1:
- Cats
- Family
- My own bedroom
- My own bathroom (relatively speaking)
- Windows that open
- My yard
- Hot-water kettle for tea and other kitchen appliances
Monday, May 08, 2006
History Isn't That Dry
The following is a quote from the book entitled The Quest for El Cid, one of the books I am using as a source for my 15 page paper (due Thursday before 9am... let the countdown begin!)
Irrigation in medieval Spain was of two sorts. The simpler was gravitational: the downward flow of water from its source in river or cistern was also controlled by means of a network of canals and sluices. The more complext was powered: water was raised artificially from its source by means of a wheel fitted with scoops or buckets, and then distributed as required. This was the mode of irrigation celebrated by, among others, the poet Ibn Waddah of Murcia (d. 1136) in his poem 'Waterwheel':
Oh the one weeping while the garden laughs
Whenever it spills o'er it is flowing tears:
What startles one who looks at it is this:
The lion's roar and the writhing of serpents!
It fashions silver ingots from the water of the pond,
And makes them grow in the gardens in the shape of dirhems!
Rarely if ever has market-gardening been so eloquently celebrated.
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi
velut luna
statu variabilis,
semper crescis
aut decrescis;
vita detestabilis
nunc obdurat
et tunc curat
ludo mentis aciem,
dissolvit ut glaciem.
Sors immanis
et inanis,
rota tu volubilis,
status malus,
vana salus
semper dissolubilis,
et velata
michi quoque niteris;
nunc per ludum
dorsum nudum
fero tui sceleris.
Sors salutis
et virtutis
michi nunc contraria,
est affectus
et defectus
semper in angaria.
Hac in hora
sine mora
corde pulsum tangite;
quod per sortem
sternit fortem
mecum omnes plangite!
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Friday, May 05, 2006
So Busy..... Arrrrgh
Monday, May 01, 2006
Summertime is Here Again...
On a darker note, I spent some time trying on all of my pairs of shorts from last summer. Two out of five still fit...
Sunday, April 30, 2006
So... Tired... Can't... Move...
Lay (yes, the passive voice) on my bed for a while, gave each other a nice massage, collapsed again, said "happy six months" and lay around for a little while longer before getting up to walk (quite protestingly) to the little store thing to get water and nibbles. Then we said goodnight and here I am, passing that sentiment along...
Goodnight :)
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Pure Gold!

Singing... and Reading...
Friday, April 28, 2006
Now I'm just about ready for bed...
Thursday, April 27, 2006
jason: be careful
me: what, do I have to step over some broken bodies?
jason: they're playing brittany spears out there
me: I'll take that as a yes
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Actual News Post
Speaking of today, it was the Day of Silence here at Millersville. I can't believe it, but this was the first year that they've done it here! I was proud to participate and didn't personally get any trouble... actually, some of my classmates made a point of saying something supportive to me.
Warning: Not an Actual News Post!
1. Rammstein
2. Porcupine Tree
3. Nightwish
4. Opeth*
5. Pink Floyd
6. The Libertines
7. Dio
8. Static-X
9. Marilyn Manson
10. Garbage
*note: Opeth has less songs, but they're longer!
-- what was the first song you ever heard by 6?
"Radio America"
-- what is your favourite album of 2?
"In Absentia"
-- what is your favourite lyric that 5 has sung?
"How I wish, how I wish you were here.
We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year,
Running over the same old ground.
What have we found? The same old fears.
Wish you were here."
-- how many times have you seen 4 live?
Two :D
-- what is your favourite song by 7?
"Last in Line"
-- what is a good memory you have considering the music of 10?
Playing some songs by them for my boyfriend.
-- is there a song of 3 that makes you sad?
-- what is your favourite lyric that 2 has sung?
"I won't shiver in the cold
I won't let the shadows take their toll
I won't cover my head in the dark
And I won't forget you when we part…"
-- what is your favourite song by 9?
"The Reflecting God"
-- how did you get in to 3?
Brandon’s just a little bit obsessed with them…
-- what was the first song you heard by 1?
"Du Hast"
-- what is your favourite song by 4?
Oh sure, make me choose one… Well ok… "To Bid You Farewell"…and "Demon of the Fall"
-- how many time have you seen 9 live?
-- what is a good memory you have concerning 2?
When I think about who introduced me to them, I just get sad.
-- is there a song of 8 that makes you sad?
-- what is your favourite album of 5?
"Wish You Were Here"
-- what is your favourite lyric that 4 has sung?
"Into the trees
Past meadow grounds
And further away from my home
Baying behind me
I hear the hounds
Flocks chasing to find me alone"
-- what is your favourite song of 1?
-- what is your favourite song of 10?
"#1 Crush"
-- how many times have you seen 8 live?
-- what is your favourite album of 1?
"Reise, Reise"
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Hah! Damned Spot, I Have You Now xD
Monday, April 24, 2006
Not Sure...
Sunday, April 23, 2006
--Semonides, 6th c. BC

Saturday, April 22, 2006
Yay for Sam!
Maybe Five Hours

Friday, April 21, 2006
"Quizá no pueda respirar más/Sin respirarte a ti..."
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Thoughts from Yesterday
I have Jason. I win.
Dr. Fortin got a little too excited about showing us a painting of hell, if you ask me...
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Who Knew?
A Sorceress creates magic the way a poet creates poems, with inborn talent honed by practice. They have no books, no mentors, no theories just raw power that they direct at will. Some Sorceress' claim that the blood of dragons courses through their veins. It may even be true-- it is common knowledge that certain powerful dragons can take humanoid form and even have humanoid lovers, and it's difficult to prove that a given a Sorceress does not have a dragon ancestor. A Sorceress often has striking good looks, usually with a touch of the exotic that hints at an unusual heritage. Still, the claim that a Sorceress is partially draconic is either an unsubstantiated boast on the part of a certain Sorceress or envious gossip on the part of those who lack the Sorceress's gift.
You are attuned to the elemental plane of water. You may find yourself often drawn to places where your given element can be found in abundance, such as lakes, rivers, oceans, or sometimes even swamps. As part of your powers, you may move through your element freely, being able to swim to the deepest depths, and breathe under the waves. Some mages of the plane of water have been known to build great fortresses under the waves. Ever heard of Atlantis? Yep, that was definitely built by a water mage. It is well within your powers, to cause a tsunami, a storm of ice shards, or to cause a person unprotected by magic to spontaneously drown.
Find out what kind of Wizard/Wizardess you are at
Monday, April 17, 2006
I Wish I Had a Camera...
This morning, walking back to my dorm, a white falcon swooped across the path and then perched comfortably on a large tree on the other side of the path. It just sat there as I stopped to look up at it. The sad thing is, no one else seemed to notice it.
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Tee ^_^*
Your Quirk Factor: 76% |
You're so quirky, it's hard for you to tell the difference between quirky and normal. No doubt about it, there's little about you that's "normal" or "average." |
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Manual Restart
Here are the lyrics I mentioned writing for a friend of mine. They don't scare me anymore...
I'll find a button to push
A vein to break
Manual restart
I'm so tired of this world
There's nothing I can do
Except turn myself off
And restart.
I'll find a cord to pull
A cord to hang
Manual restart...
I'm so tired of this world
There's nothing I can do
Except turn myself off
And restart.
I'll find a fuse to blow
Blow through my head
Manual restart...
I'm so tired of this world
There's nothing I can do
Except turn myself off
And restart.
I'm so tired of this world
So I turn myself off
And restart.
My Jason is sick, the poor dear :( We're going to the Health Center, therefore, and then I at least will eat breakfast. Then it will be laundry time and caring for Jason.
Friday, April 14, 2006
Catch More With Honey...?
Hey, I would totally go for it ;)
I know, I know, I haven't written anything that's news or my own writing lately. Sorry! I'm just so tired... I just took my evening beta-blocker, so now I'm going to get to bed before that knocks me out. Today I've started feeling a few side effects from the meds but nothing too bad. We'll see.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Tom Cruise Not Crazy!
On Brangelina's impending (and competing) arrival: "Playdates! I've gotta give him a ring. I'm really happy for them. I am really happy for them. He's a good guy, Brad." (Said the still in-utero Jolie-Pitt offspring of the playdate invitation, "Thanks, but no thanks.")
On explaining the history of psychiatry to Matt Lauer: "I thought I was pretty restrained. I've been pissed off about things, believe me. I thought it was a terrific interview. I wasn't pissed; I just was intense on wanting to communicate."
On Katie's cravings: "She loves cupcakes, okay? I mean, the girl loves cupcakes."
On his hands-on approach to detox: "I have to say, I've always found the 'if it makes me feel better, it's okay' rationale a little suspect. I think it's appalling that people have to live a life of drug addiction when I have personally helped people get off drugs." Cruise claims he can get a person off heroin in three days.
On whether he told ex-wife Nicole Kidman, with whom he has two children, about the pregnancy: "It's not like anything I had to or didn't have to do. I wish her well."
On Katie's at-home pregnancy test: "Yeah, she did the whole stick test; I think she just touched the box and they all turned blue."
On commitment: "I'm the relationship guy. I'm not the dating, partying guy. It's not me, you know what I mean? I'm too serious. And I'm too intense. It means something to me."
On questions about the galactic overlord Xenu, a central figure in his religion: "You say this stuff to me and it's insulting. That's why I'm not even going to dignify what you're saying. There's always a lot of misinformation out there. I'm doing pretty good. Look at the things that have helped me in my life. You hear this other stuff -- come on, it's crap!"
Me in 30 Years?
Benjamin: I know, it's kinda cute
Benjamin: I imagine you with a furrowed brow looking over half-rimmed glasses, wearing a cardigan, working in a library in later life :P but that's besides the point
Drugs and Other Fun Things (Not)
I'm not used to taking drugs regularly, especially ones that can have side effects... but I think I'll be ok (:
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Under Construction!
I still have a little work to do on my template but I have the html figured out, I think. Pardon the appearance until, say, Thursday.
Tomorrow morning I get up at 5:30 and come up to the computer to get all ready for class registration. Then a doctor's appointment at noon, and then back to Millersville.
Monday, April 10, 2006
Opeth Again...
Your Life: The Soundtrack | |
Opening credits: | Opeth- Prologue |
Waking up: | Opeth- Dirge for November |
Average day: | Opeth- Benighted |
First date: | Opeth- Deliverance |
Falling in love: | Opeth- In My Time of Need |
Love scene: | Opeth- Closure |
Fight scene: | Opeth- Ghost of Perdition |
Breaking up: | Opeth- Isolation Years |
Getting back together: | Opeth- Face of Melinda |
Secret love: | Opeth- Black Rose Immortal |
Life's okay: | Opeth- Atonement |
Mental breakdown: | Opeth- Blackwater Park |
Driving: | Opeth- Baying of the Hounds |
Learning a lesson: | Opeth- To Rid the Disease |
Deep thought: | Opeth- Wreath |
Flashback: | Opeth- Moonlapse Vertigo |
Partying: | Opeth- Demon of the Fall |
Happy dance: | Opeth- The Grand Conjuration |
Regreting: | Opeth- To Bid You Farewell |
Long night alone: | Opeth- White Cluster |
Death scene: | Opeth- Funeral Portrait |
Closing credits: | Opeth- Epilogue |
Take this survey | Find more surveys You've been totally Bzoink*d |
- Glass castle:: Rocks
- Preserved:: Glass
- Jealousy:: Hide
- Territory:: Mine
- Coffee:: Milk
- Stephen:: Beautiful
- Slut:: Heels
- Dynamic:: Markings
- Daybreak:: Mist
- Dew:: Wash
Go Me...
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Saturday, April 08, 2006
All in All...
I got my friend to help me with my new blog skin (just in case you hadn't notcied), pretty sparklies at the mall, and had a very nice dinner. The best part? All of that time was spent with Jason (:
Now I really will go to bed.
Things on my Mind
2. To someone else: If I ever see you on campus again, I will smile. I hope you will realize how much it costs me to do that and I hope you will appreciate it.
3. To 1, 026 people: Fuck you.
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Reflections and Plottings
Hopefully this weekend I'll be putting up a new blog layout once my friend Sam helps me edit the last few html details, which is why I haven't bothered to put some links back up again. I'll also hopefully be going to the mall to get some pretty sparkly jewelry to go with my lovely new frormal black dress for the Chorale recital on April 30th. Yay!
I took some photos of my dreamcatcher, which just got in yesterday, hanging in my room. Here are two good images:

Also, I think I'm beginning to develop some ideas for birthday gifts for my boyfriend (:
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Monday, April 03, 2006
The Movie Of Your Life Is A Black Comedy |
In your life, things are so twisted that you just have to laugh. You may end up insane, but you'll have fun on the way to the asylum. Your best movie matches: Being John Malkovich, The Royal Tenenbaums, American Psycho |
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Which goes on disturbing my peace.
There shines a torch in my soul:
If it is not love, it will soon be love."
Stupid Time Change
Once I finally figured out what time it really was, I just gave up and got a nice long shower instead.