Saturday, August 05, 2006


"So, Friday you're gonna be tearing it up at Ozzfest and Saturday you'll tear it up at a wedding?"
--Heather, one of my co-workers

That basically sums up these past two days. Ozzfest was amazing; I survived the whole day and thanks to staying indoors until around 2pm and my paranoid re-applications of sunblock (it helped that Jason was there to put some on my back) I didn't get sunburnt, the "concert life" was highly entertaining, the bands we were there to see rocked (especially Black Label Society, Disturbed, System of a Down, and of course Ozzy-- although we only stayed for his first song), and I definitely rocked out to Avenged Sevenfold's cover of "Walk" (Pantera). I'll come up with some more specific incidental stories later when I'm not so tired... or you can just ask to hear some ;)

The wedding of a family friend was quite enjoyable; the ceremony was short and not too preachy and the reception was very nice-- warm and friendly, not too formal, with a jazz band and dancing during the cake. Also-- oddly enough-- we ended up sitting with another piano teacher who knew the mother of the bride whose husband is the new band director at Millersville O.o ...naturally, I asked if he'd be interested in setting up an interview with us in the fall. How cool is that?

And now, time to catch up on sleep...

(but I'll miss waking up next to you)

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