Monday, December 31, 2007

Being a spell to fly:

Upon 40 days of Prayre and Fasting, with purest faith and calling unto the Gods…

~ Clasp near thy rod of power (a.k.a., a telephone)

~ Call forth for ye Spirits of Travelle and theire nefarious Agents

~ Yea, state and visualize thy destination –thrice, for the Agents of Travelle to Comprehend thee…

~ Yea, Task them and overcome them in Ye Test of Wills

~ Speake the words of power: ‘Visa,’ ‘MasterCard,’ ‘Amex’

~ Two weeks hence, take ye under the New Moon to Clearing of the Travel

~ Present Thyself in Trembling and Loathing to the Guardians of the Towers of the North, East, South, and West and Present to them the holy scroll of the High Priestess: ‘Ticket’

~ Pass ye surely through the Elemental Detector and its “Ever Alert” guardians of Thy safety (but not Thy Rights)

~ Wait until the Stars show, the wind blows and the new grass grows

~ When your Gryphon of Metal arriveth (and, ha, craven fool, it arriveth not when ye expect but only upon the winged beast’s good and fickle pleasure), board it and fly away.

Friday, December 28, 2007


I can't believe it's almost time to leave...

Saturday, December 15, 2007

My List*

In no particular order:

- read lots of books! I've got about 8 that I bought over the summer or picked up at the library book sale in October, and didn't have time to read yet...
- get some banking stuff and some legal stuff done with my mom before Christmas
- sleep in (I've got a good start on this one)
- play with the cats and give them lots of cuddles (likewise)
- bake and cook some things!
- unpack (the mess is driving my mom crazy)

*may be added to later :)


There's an lolcat for every occasion. Or, in this case, an lolmouse.

p.s.- Shameless self-promotion, even though it'll come to nothing... vote for me! Yay!

Thursday, December 13, 2007


I can't believe I'm almost done! I just can't wait to get home :D

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Thursday, December 06, 2007


This is probably an oldie, but it's a good one...

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Here It Comes...

Fall 2007 Finals Schedule

Eastern Europe

December 11: take-home essay due


Food and Culture

December 11: take-home essay due


Lit Analysis

December 12: exam


Old English

December 12: exam


Art History

December 14: exam


And then, right after my Art History final, I pack up and head home!

Monday, December 03, 2007

How Well They Guess At My Character

I just have to laugh at my horoscope sometimes...

October 23 - November 21
If you find yourself tired and irritable at the moment, dear Scorpio, you should know that this is normal. You may have had a few months that were a little too studious. Would you like to continue on with the same rhythm? Be careful that your ambitions don't lead you to serious physical exhaustion. If you become sick, you will be even more frustrated. So, be wise and take care of your own basic needs.