Sunday, July 30, 2006

*mood continues to go downhill*

I can't wait to get out of here and get back to Millersville...

My blog was feeling ignored so here's a poem.


Here I can sit quietly:

Four walls, brown,
And some tape still holding on
(Tightly, so it won’t fall)
Look back at me.

No one sees me, here
Except for the cat, passing by
(She always looks inside everything)
So I can hide, by myself,
In these mysterious depths.

When I close my eyes,
This space becomes my own
And I'm exploring a dark cave:
Water drips, and unseen creatures move,
(But I am not afraid.)

Then I hear a voice calling me.
I open my eyes:
There are only four close walls,
A brittle piece of tape,
And I'm just sitting in a box.

If you don't get the obvious symbolism of the tape, sit and think for a moment; it might come to you.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Just Another Perfect Day...

After two days of rain and cool evenings, the heat has finally broken (for now) and I am feeling much more like my usual self.

Once I get back from PT today and have some lunch, I have two days off from work, so I think I will sit at my computer and write when I'm not doing things around the house. That's one of my favorite kinds of days :)

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Yay, Vikings!

My Viking Name is...

Kaðlín Seabear

(Well, actually, that wouldn't really be your name -- since you're female, your name would be something like "Kaðlín Björnsdottir". But this is the twenty-first century, and you want to be known for who you are, not for who your father was, right? Right.)

My Viking Personality: You're a fearsome Viking, but you aren't completely uncivilized. The other Vikings make fun of you for that. You have a thirst for battle -- unfortunately, you're not terribly good at it. You probably know which end of a sword to hold, but you're not a fearsome fighter by any stretch of the imagination.
If you ever tried to make a voyage in a Viking longboat, you would die. Either from seasickness, or from your shipmates throwing you overboard into shark-infested waters. You possess some skills which other Vikings respect.
You have a fairly pragmatic attitude towards life, and tend not to expend effort in areas where it would be wasted. You sometimes come off as a bit of a snob. Vikings are not snobbish people -- they either like you, or they kill you. Try to be more like a Viking.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


No relief as nation swelters in heat wave 'not fit for human beings'

I'm roughly 45 minutes away from Philadelphia, PA, by the way, so yes, the temperature given for that region is about the same for where I am.

For my international friends: Temperature conversion

Also, see: Weather Map of the US

(everthing in red is a link)

Monday, July 17, 2006


1/4 heat therapy
1/4 torture
1/2 workout

Saturday, July 15, 2006

More Ineffability

Well, yesterday was my second physiotherapy appointment for my back. I did some exercises and I got a massage-- although I was a little disappointed that the only muscles the therapist worked on are the two that connect the back to the pelvis and can only be reached by going through the stomach. Incidentally, that really hurt most of the time, and they're now kind of complaining to me. It was also incredibly deep-in-my-tissues invasive. Ow.

Maybe I'll just go get a professional back massage at a spa sometime when my 4-6 weeks of therapy is over.

In other news, for some reason yesterday I felt oddly sad pretty much the whole day, whenever I had a few moments to myself. I kind of feel like that today, but I'm not sure why.

I start work at 3 instead of 2, so I'm going to go for a nice swim before getting back home to pack my dinner (and lots of water). Maybe that will help.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Past Things

What he says about old photographs is so true... for me, the same goes with letters (a notebook) and remembered conversations (smiles and sorrow) and sitting in a car in the sun in perfect pure ineffable happiness... (but they are not dead)

Peace. Perhaps I should dedicate this poem, one last time: to myself.

To a Shade
William Butler Yeats

Go, unquiet wanderer,
And gather the Glasnevin coverlet
About your head till the dust stops your ear,
The time for you to taste of that Salt breath
And listen at the corners has not come;
You had enough of sorrow before death --
Away, away! You are safer in the tomb.

Monday, July 10, 2006


"Reality is an illusion, albeit a persistent one."
--Albert Einstein

Well, after a busy and tiring week and closing shift on Saturday (which went 40 minutes late, I might add), I had yesterday to relax a little and enjoyed a nice day out with Jason. Now, however, it's back to work... closing shift every day this week (including Sat. again) except for Wednesday, which is my day off. Stupid one day weekend :/

However, it's good that I'm getting plenty of hours to work and, who knows, maybe the better I get at closing the faster it will go. I think it does depend in part on who I'm working with... and the weather (if it's nice, people are in the store right up until 6)... and the day, because on Saturday the huge amount of tomatoes and fresh basil have to be packed up and taken with us, while during the week they're just left out. So we'll see.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

I Like Both

(And therefore I can appreciate the humor of this comic from indietits.)

Sunday, July 02, 2006


It's funny, but to me, weekends aren't really weekends because I'm usually working on Saturdays. After work yesterday, though, Jason came and got to see where I worked before taking me home. We had dinner together, and then he headed home. It was nice to see him and of course make sure for myself that he's doing well.

Today is a good friend's graduation party, so I am finishing up two scrapbook pages that I made to add to the scrapbook his sister is making for him, and then I will wrap the book we are giving him and then I must figure out what I want to write in his card. I want it to be something original, at least. The few phrases that had occured to me earlier are, of course, long gone, so I will just have to go with what comes to mind when I sit down. Sometimes that's best anyway.