Tuesday, January 31, 2006

"And she whispered, 'I know...'"

There is one face that fills my vision and I cannot feel the cold as I walk into the night...


Darn my RA and her "I know this is last minute, but..." signs! I mean... some of us do have lives...

That said, I'll be at The Snapper offices again this evening.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Share the <3


The Snapper

Random stuff; too bad the headshot of my advisor makes her look like a smurf.

Most importantly... the masthead!

Sports bore me but the pictures are actually pretty cool... cutouts are a bugger though!

That band was really bad... haha...

Amazing artist!

The front page.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Robert Heinlein

I don't really like him that much but here's a good quote from Starship Trooper:

"Happiness consists in getting enough sleep."


We are the silent watchers
We are the blind dancers
We are the frozen singers
And the world passes by.

Thursday, January 26, 2006


I picked up my equipment this afternoon! The glove is a little small but I should have a different one well before Wed.

And it's almost the weekend...

This is the Color of Exhaustion...

So I have figured out my week-day schedule now...

Monday evenings: The Snapper.
Tuesday evenings: The Snapper, and later into the night than Monday.
Wednesday evenings: Fencing.
Thursday evenings: Meeting for... you guessed it... The Snapper.
Friday evenings: Free. Finally I can go to bed early!

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

The Snapper

So I was up until 11:30 or so on Monday, and left The Snapper offices at 12:15 last night... of course, there were some rough spots that I needed help in, and had to wait for Kate's response; plus I was running up and downstairs twice earlier in the evening to stop by the MUFG table at the club fair and also talking (for quite a while) with a new applicant interested in taking photos, so hopefully I will be able to move more quickly next week.

Despite all that, everyone said that I had finished quickly. I'd like to think that I worked well with them, and tonight I wasn't quite as awkward. Dan Good was very helpful, pointing out pictures that he wanted or approving what I picked out with free reign (and occasional help from Seth). Even Paul, though he was specific with his dimensions and so on, was impressed with the cutout I made for him (once I figured out how to do cutouts). Next time, though, I'll crop the picture before cutting the whole thing out...

What a rush :)

Tuesday, January 24, 2006


I got 6.5 hours of sleep last night... I guess that's something.

Now I have to eat, then finish my speech homework before my 9:30 class. Earlier this morning (very early) I thought, 'hey, I could take a nap before dinner today' and then I rememered Bio lab goes from 3-4:50. *sigh*

I love the Snapper stuff though <3

Monday, January 23, 2006


"What hath the night to do with sleep?"


Well... I think I got more sleep last night than I have been lately... and no nightmares.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

"Paranoia, Paranoia, everybody's coming to get me..."

I hate it when people talk about me behind my back... and I can hear them... and I know it's me they're talking about...

Saturday, January 21, 2006


It comes from
Another dimension
The moth flutters by
And it is dark
As the night that birthed it
Ruffled wings,
Eyelash flutter
Towards the light
Unworldly otherworldly

Sweet Dreams

"Everyone's searching for something..."

I don't like sleeping alone.

Fencing Stuff

Friday, January 20, 2006


You're looking at the new co- photo editor for the Snapper (:

In other news... what was I going to say... oh yeah. I've mostly finished with fixing up some fencing logo suggestions, and Chris should be putting them online and sending out an email shortly *hint hint*

And... it's finally the weekend. Now I can collapse...

Thursday, January 19, 2006

And There Was Great Rejoicing...

A prize to anyone who figures out where that quote is from...

But really, there was great rejoicing... my monitor is now completely connected to my computer tower so I'm back with full/natural color!

In other news, fencing has started back up, Chris gave me some club logo ideas to scan in, and I'm now fixing them up and playing around with colors and all that. It'll take a while, but it will look good too... I have one done so far, and I'm going to try and do a few different versions of each. Unfortunately, homework/reality intrudes ;)

For Dylan

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


I'll admit, my heart jumped when I saw the MUPD van with flashing lights in the parking lot of Lyle, even when I saw that the officer was assisting someone else...

Destroy All

Apparently, my computer just hates all CD-Rs and CD-RWs, even if they are new >:(

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

No Pliers Yet

And so ends my first day of classes.

Bio lab going from 3-4:50 wasn't the best time of my life, plus I'm used to being done with classes after eating lunch (even if I didn't get to eat lunch until 2pm) but now I have more classes, every day of the week. At least Bio lab is only once a week.

Monday, January 16, 2006


Me: the thingy connecting the monitor to the tower won't go in completely because a bolt came off the tower and is stuck to the screw and the thingy
Chris: so the nut head from the vga adapter came off the video backplane??

See, some people understand me!


So, my first breakfast back at Millersville...

Even though it was kind of late, I still had to stop myself from wondering if Andrew would join me... because he isn't here anymore. I will miss my sometime insomniac breakfast companion.

Sunday, January 15, 2006


She is invisible, flying somehow, yet fighting gravity as it tries to pull her down; barely avoiding the hostile group on the ground following her shadow she circles over the infinite parking lot, daring a downward dip over every black car, hoping to see him inside, the one she was separated from inside among the faceless crowds.

She is over the building, brushes against a tree. Three boys, angry, start throwing rocks and chunks of ice at the tree, thinking she is perched in it. She pushes against the tree with her feet, making it move again, continues her search, failing/helpless/frightened...

And she wakes up, incomplete and alone.


Just my boyfriend's little joke, haha...

Back at Millersville, after some unpacking incidents... whoo. It's going to be a great semester though.

Saturday, January 14, 2006


"Something broke inside my stomach
I let the pieces lie just where they fell..."

I broke something else too... I can't fix it, but I tried.


I like the fog... it changes the way I see the world.

Friday, January 13, 2006


Ok... so, apparently MU actually did change my mailbox from "A" to "B". It won't be that hard to learn a different combination but really... why?

I Didn't Want To Hurt You

I changed my facebook profile that Sunday...

Something I had to say... but I doubt that probably the one person who would understand that reads my blog, so there you are... *shrugs*

Thursday, January 12, 2006

One Word Of My Own

"There is a voice calling for me
There is a light coming down on me
There is a doubt that is clearing
There is a day that is dawning
There is a wound that is healing
There is a season waiting for me
There is a road that is turning
There is a fire still burning..."


Wednesday, January 11, 2006

"It’s nothing at all..."

'Everything is all right,' she replied, 'but the weight of one small heart, and a few dreams...'

Good Times Bad Times

Sometimes, my friend, the most fleeting moments are the happiest, as snowflakes bring joy and then melt in the hand...

Three Cheers...

I do hate my body sometimes.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Gee, thanks...

Wes: You're always sick.
Wes: Oh, wait, not mentally.


Yeah, that's actually a word, so go ahead and call me hypochondriacal...

I've got some cold medicine in me now, and a nice supply of strong cough logenzes to numb my throat. I'm still pretty tired, but I only took a brief nap today so I should sleep well tonight.

Monday, January 09, 2006


So I think I'm sick... again... at least I haven't been throwing up this time.

I don't think I have mono...

Mononucleosis symptoms generally take about 4 to 8 weeks to appear, though on occasion, it can take up to 12 weeks for symptoms to develop. Symptoms include:

-Initially, loss of energy, chills, and a lack of appetite
-Bad sore throat and swollen lymph nodes (for the first 2 weeks)
-Extreme fatigue
-Persistently tender spleen (felt as a pain in your left side)

Adult mono symptoms tend to be more severe than those in children and teenagers. Fatigue will probably be the most noticeable symptom if you are suffering from the infection. It can take months to get your energy levels back up. Adults can suffer from the same symptoms as teenagers with mono do, but some added mono symptoms could appear. These include:

-Stiffness of the neck
-Rapid heart rate
-Shortness of breath.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Monty Python

(Part of a conversation I had a few days ago and thought I would share)

Allyssa: monty python, milkman stuck in a room
Me: oh
Me: haven't seen it
Allyssa: that's so sad
Me: I know
Me: haven't seen any of their sketches
Allyssa: its a cold dark world you live in isnt it?
Me: yes
Me: utterly bleak and without laughter


I hate nightmares. Especially the one I dreamed last night...

Knife of Dreams

I finally finished Knife of Dreams last night. It was amazing, plus Robert Jordan didn't leave any characters in immediate danger! (He did that in the last book. It was very unkind.)

The bad news is my obsession has been, hmm, renewed...

Saturday, January 07, 2006


Today was nice (: I went up to Doylestown and wandered around with my boyfriend, had lunch, got a Machine Head CD (I have one on my computer as well, so that makes two-- I like them), laughed at a band called "Fuck" (not kidding), and got an Iron Maiden pin (!!!) at Siren Records, then went to the used bookstore on the same street and got a book of The Mabinogion (Welsh and Celtic tales, translated of course), two small, matching hardcovers-- one the Arthurian romances of deTroyes, and one two other Arthurian chronicles, and the exact book that I needed for my Medieval History class. And more wandering around and talking. It was chilly, but the sun helped and sometimes buildings blocked the wind.

I still haven't finished Knife of Dreams. There's so much that happens at times that I just have to put it down and take a break. I'm still enjoying it, though.

Hmm. In other news, we still don't have a washing machine because my mom is so indecisive.

Amazing, a chatty and perfectly well-adjusted post... in the evening... be proud.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Grad Students


I'm sorry...

Thursday, January 05, 2006


But I feel better now if anyone was wondering.

Feeding the Obsession

That's right, I've finally gotten my hands on the 11th WoT book, Knife of Dreams... which I've been going on about for a while, for those who haven't noticed yet ;)

Plus, my friend David was over yesterday, and he brought something like ten sci-fi books that he read in his sci-fi class this past semester, including some Phillip K. Dick, Ray Bradbury, and William Gibson (he wrote Neuromancer, the book that The Matrix is based on). That should hold me over for a while...

Rainbow in the Dark

So what if I say what I'm thinking?

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

A Few Words...

Benjamin: well my brother has a 1970s ford capri
Benjamin: its a lovely car, but needs work
Benjamin: one day, the gears graunched (means not connected, and spin around with a bit noise)
Benjamin: and he just muttered "clutch my ass"

My Precious...

Oooh, the librarian called this evening and said that the WoT book is in... and that it was actually in when I looked for it the first time... but neither of us saw it... whoops.

But regardless... when my mom finishes teaching tonight... it will be mine... all mine... my precious...


Must... read... Knife of Dreams...

Monday, January 02, 2006


I miss you.

Personality Quiz

The Keys to Your Heart

You are attracted to good manners and elegance.

In love, you feel the most alive when everything is uncertain, one moment heaven... the next moment hell.

You'd like to your lover to think you are stylish and alluring.

You would be forced to break up with someone who was ruthless, cold-blooded, and sarcastic.

Your ideal relationship is lasting. You want a relationship that looks to the future... one you can grow with.

Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.

You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred.

In this moment, you think of love as something you can get or discard anytime. You're feeling self centered.
Silly things. But what can I say, I was bored this morning...

I would put up all the WoT ones I did a while back, but I doubt that anyone would get them, because most of the people I know don't want to sit down and read eleven huge books for some reason :P