Wednesday, September 06, 2006


On Monday, I was going over to turn the A/C down in our dorm room when I noticed some black mildew splotched on the vent of the unit. It was very unpleasant to discover-- not only is there mildew in our room, but it had been dispersed by air for who knows how long! I wonder why I've been getting sick? Naturally I turned it off, left a note for our RA, and then went down to the Snapper offices for the rest of the day.

That night the RA knocked on our door (waking me up) to take a look and explained that previously the janitors had sprayed all of the mold (before we moved in, I would assume) and killed it, but hadn't actually wiped it off the surface. We were welcome, she said, to get some disinfectant wipes and remove the residue ourselves. I was not very awake, so I didn't argue.

Now, she's a bio major, and I suspect that this was complete bullshit. For one, just because it's black doesn't mean it's dead. Our house can get pretty damp during the humid summers, and I've seen plenty of black mildew that is not at all "dead white mold." Secondly, whether or not any spores left behind are dead, it is entirely possible for them to start growing again. Basically, the University doesn't have enough staff-- or enough funding-- to check every A/C unit again and clean it, plus, they don't want to be open to lawsuits, so they're covering their asses and getting us to do the work for them. And obviously I will be doing that this weekend with my roommate, because neither of us want it near us longer than it has to be.

And for those of you who aren't familiar with Millersville, our dorm windows are bolted shut. No fresh air for our rooms...

I'd probably be more pissed about this if I weren't so incredibly busy >.<

(In other news, I got the library job I applied for at the end of last year and my first day was yesterday! It seems pretty cool so far, although with the potential to be monotonous, just like most jobs.)

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