Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The Communist Party Forever!

But seriously... I know I haven't written anything in a while. Uni has been keeping me busy, between classes and my job in the archives and the snapper... it really is soul-consuming. I just registered for next semester's classes this morning. The schedule will probably wear me down (an 8am class twice a week and a weekly evening class on Wed) but I'm excited, as always, to experience some new classes. Finals start May 7th, which, when you think about it, is less than a month away already o.O;
I have a job waiting for me when I get back-- the local public library where I've practically grown up is going to hire me part-time, with as many hours as possible. After a month or so I'll decide if I need to look for a second job or not to meet my summer earnings goal so I can, hopefully, study abroad somewhere in the UK next year.
Also, I'm hoping to spend some quality time writing this summer. A little inspiration would be nice too... I'm a little bogged-down in the middle of "Night" right now and trying to figure out how to move it forward without being too abrupt. I'll always have Friday and Sunday off during the summer, so maybe I'll be able to work on it then.
Other than plans for the future, I have so many little detail-esque things on my mind--deadlines, photo assignments, upcoming events-- and I'm really starting to understand the term "scatterbrained." But college is the best time of our lives...

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