Saturday, July 26, 2008

I Am So Artistic

Well, sometimes I am :)

Actually, it's because every time I start to clean my room, I turn up the beginnings of some project I once had in mind, and then I decide to settle down and do it. So, back in December I'd made one pretty cloth flower and found a good button for it, but had nothing to sew it on-- and into my little tub of scrap fabric and needles and thread it went.

Likewise, I was pretty sure I had some jeans fabric lying around, and remembering the cute purses I've seen made out of old jeans, I reflected that I might try making one, myself.

I discovered two back pockets in my little container, pleased that my vague recollections proved accurate. I had two matching buttons, so I made another flower and, well... one thing led to another!

The two pockets, which I will eventually sew together into a pouch. It might be a good little thing to hang in my closet, filled with a nicely scented sachet. I did some beading on the backside mostly because I found my thin beading needle, and because it's fun.

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