Saturday, February 11, 2006

Friday and Saturday

Well, the Stat. test yesterday was terrible. I looked over my notes and I still blanked on the really easy formula for z-scores! I'm really hoping my advisor recommends that I withdraw from the class... I won't know that until Monday though. The Spanish test wasn't too bad; but we'll see how well I actually did.

Today was getting up a little later than usual, eating breakfast amongst a crowd of young kids at Millersville for the 'Math Counts' program and telling Jason it would be bad to taser some of them, doing laundry, and making a little progress on my speech outline, powerpoint, and bibliography. I still have to put stuff on notecards so I don't get lost... ergh. I wish I had asked for a later date, but no, I had to go and say "no preference." Oh well. It finally started snowing! Snow makes me happy. Not so happy when I have to walk through it to the other end of campus to take pictures for The Snapper, though, haha.

And tomorrow is Jason day! (As The Snapper owns my soul and I will be there all of Tues. evening.)

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