Monday, August 13, 2007


After some mishaps yesterday, I finally made it to the movie to see Stardust! I enjoyed seeing some of my favorite scenes played out with lovely special effects and pretty people. Michelle Pfeiffer made an absolutely amazing Lamia (the witch), as I knew she would.
One of my friend's main criticisms was that it wasn't as consistently funny as she was hoping it would be (compared to the book). I mostly felt that they played up the squishy romantic aspect a little too much, and changed the ending-- although I can understand why they would have to, cinematically. Robert DeNiro's part was amusing, but as a person who prefers more of a light touch with humor, I thought they could've played down his flamboyant nature just a little bit with the same comedic effect.

All in all, it was a fun time and the inclusion of the pirates didn't ruin the movie or draw comparisons to the Pirates of the Caribbean.

I also saw the preview for the newest Beowulf movie, which Gaiman is writing the screenplay for. It is going to be so beautiful and amazing, and I'm not just saying that 'cause of Angelina Jolie (though I admit to having a bit of a fancy for her). Plus it comes out just in time for my birthday!

Unfortunately, the movie version of The Dark is Rising (which isn't even the first book in the series) looks absolutely HORRIBLE. It's a pity, because I love those books so much....

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