Friday, December 23, 2005


I visited my high school today, along with many other alumni. The memories it brings back...

The people pass by me, in clusters or alone, talking or silent. A boy stumbles, but no one notices; they’re too busy trying to push through the moving mass of people. The sea of faces hides all single identity. I wonder if anyone’s as lonely as me; surrounded by people, but unseen. I move through them, walking quickly, blank faced, and catch only disjointed bits of conversations: “She works there? Why don’t you?” “…yeah, he said…” My binder is in my arms; Atlas Shrugged is digging uncomfortably into my chest—if I don’t hold my books tightly, they will slide off. The level of noise rises as more people flood the hallways, becoming indistinct, and I tune it out and move to my next class.

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