Saturday, December 17, 2005


At last, finals are over and I am home! The cats were much less surprised to see me this time-- I think they've gotten used to me being gone for a while and then coming back. Later this afternoon my mom and I drive into Philly to pick my dad up from the airport. Two weeks should be interesting, but then we made it through my graduation week all right.

My parents have been separated for 4 or 5 years now. I won't officially be a child of a broken home until January, probably. Things were bad for a while, and then my mom was just to busy to start the divorce process. Now she has. I'm not bitter really. They get along fine, for the most part.

In other news I had brief conversations with some people I haven't talked with (or seen) in a while. Now I just have to work on forgiving Steve. I'm not sure if he knows I've been mad at him or not.

Bruise status: still a lump, very purple/blue surrounded by yellow. Thanks a lot, Seth... but I can't complain-- my first fencing injury! Never mind that it was completely off-target...

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