Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Newsy Things

Bruise update: Going down nicely; plus it's getting kind of boring to keep going on about it all the time so I will stop.

I went bowling with my boyfriend and some of his friends last night. I also met his parents and saw some baby pictures. At least he hasn't seen any embarassing pictures of me yet...

My dad's visit is going well, the cats are mostly behaving, and I have been doing a lot of reading (although I had to put the 11th WoT book on hold because someone has it checked out until Jan. 6th or so). I feel kind of mean putting Knife of Dreams on hold because that means they won't be able to renew it if they don't finish it. But on the other hand, that's their own fault ;)

Hmm. Ok, maybe I didn't have that much news after all. I have to get around to calling some friends now that I'm back in the area and so on, but for now I must run a book up to the library that I suggested to the librarian. She hasn't read it, so I'm lending my copy to her.

Final grades are posted on Friday!!!

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