Monday, June 05, 2006

Sister Awake

Carla? Productive? Oh yes, it is indeed possible! I made an experimental breakfast, which was something like a large latke and turned out to be great, and then I finished the weeding, swept the porch, cut some grass for the cats, and worked on my room (eating lunch as I went) for a good two or three hours, filling the first trashbag and starting on a second. It's really starting to look up, although I am kind of dreading having to deal with the huge mass of stuff on my desk... which is why it's pretty much last on the list ;)

Happy 6.6.06 tomorrow, to my fellow metalheads and people who just think it's kind of a cool alignment that only happens once a millenium of numbers that, coincidentally, is the bane of the Christian church... I'm planning on spending the day working some more on my room, listening to "Number of the Beast" and then either some more Iron Maiden or some Metallica... or whatever strikes my fancy, really. If I had "Sympathy for the Devil," I'd listen to that too.

Oh, and for the thrash-metal inclined... happy National Day of Slayer.


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